Maria Silvia is a fifth-year student at the Liceo Scientifico Innocenzo XII in Anzio (Rome). Her dream is to work in forensics or in the Carabinieri RIS (Scientific Investigations Unit). She is currently participating in Coding Girls, which she heard about thanks to a friend, as well as her family values: love for knowledge and curiosity.
Here is her fun interview with Alberta Testa [@Alberta_FMD], who has recently started heading the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Press Office.
How did you become so passionate about science?
I have love sciences, especially mathematics and biology, since I was young. It’s an innate passion. I must confess that I was lucky, though. In middle school, I had a professor that helped me develop this talent and decide to attend a scientific lyceum.
What does your family think about this love for science?
My family has always helped me with everything I have done. And I was always free to choose to do as I wanted. The only thing they always insisted on was that knowledge was important, but I could study whatever I liked. I’m very happy that they taught me about the value of studies and knowledge.
Do you consider yourself a curious person?
Yes, curiosity even drove me to join Coding Girls. Last year, a good friend participated in the project, and I was fascinated by the way she spoke about it with enthusiasm and excitement. It’s my last year, so I already have all the PCTO hours I need, but I still decided to sign up. I’m not doing it for the credits, but because I believe coding may be a good skill to have.
Technological progress embraces many sectors transversally. How do you think coding will help you in the future?
Honestly, I’m not exactly sure. However, I do feel like a sponge, and I try to apply everything I learn on my own, too. I don’t know what the results will be, but I’m sure it will be helpful for the working world.
Speaking about work, what would you like to do?
I’ve decided to enrol in the Faculty of Biological Sciences. My dream is to join the Carabinieri RIS (Scientific Investigations Unit) or work in forensics.
Do you think you’ll have to face gender equality issues in this field?
I’m aware that males are accorded greater prestige, but I hope that when and if I manage to join the police, this issue will have become less pertinent. I think things are changing with my generation. There no longer are great disparities, or I don’t notice them, yet. I trust my generation.