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Coding Girls at CodeFest

Coding Girls at CodeFest

Coding Girls at CodeFest

Turin is hosting the CodeFest (Sept. 27 – Oct. 8, 2021), the first global festival dedicated to source code, organised by three departments at the University of TurinPhilosophy and Education Science (lead partners), Computer Science and Physics, as well as the Association.


The festival addresses an audience of professionals, scholars, enthusiasts and more. The objective is to involve everyone through attractive communication and new formats, such as shows, theatre, conferences and labs, and musical experiences of all sorts.


The event centres around the idea that programming and its languages represent a fundamental cultural phenomenon, besides a technological one. Not only computers, but artificial languages, digital poetry, coding, coding and society, and code aesthetics.


Today, at 6:30, there will be a session dedicated to young women and coding with Project Coding Girls a Torino, developed with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo.


The event is free and can also be viewed on YouTube [see programme].


Moderators: Viviana Patti (Department of Computer Science, University of Turin) and Cristina Bosco(Department of Computer Science, University of Turin).




Six students from Turin will participate as interviewers:

  • Laura Riva, Elisa Roetti and Giulia Valentino - Liceo Carlo Cattaneo 
  • Francesca Biasi, Marta Di Cuonzo and Denise Pellizzari - Liceo Bosso-Monti


CODEFEST Organisers

DAMS – MeDiHum – LLC – CIRCe – ASTUT – IT Avogadro – Museo Piemontese dell’Informatica (MuPIn) – Centro Servizi Didattici di Torino (CeSeDi) – Conservatorio di Torino – Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico (AICA) – Fondazione Mondo Digitale – Associazione Gessetti Colorati




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