We are educating a new generation that is increasingly alert to the needs of others and available to help. They have discovered from their teachers that the best way to learn is to teach, to share their knowledge and improve the lives of others.
They are the i-tutors who help migrants in their integration process thanks to the digital language that represents a new bridge between cultures and a key to access citizenship 4.0. And together with immigrants and refugees, they full understand the spirit of the challenge launched by Gandhi: “learn as if you were to live forever.”
Projects Co-Host and RefugIS – financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies – are promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and developed in collaboration with Microsoft, Comunità di Sant’Egidio and Fundación Esplai (Spain).
The objective of the partnership is to simplify and accelerate the process of social integration and inclusion of immigrants and asylum seekers through a new strategic alliance between school and foreign welcome centres. Schools are thereby transformed into Hubs for the education and integration of immigrants and refugees through the practice and development of digital, linguistic and civic competences.
As i-tutors, the students help promote the social, digital and cultural inclusion of participants, whilst developing and experimenting an innovative integration model - the “third reception” formula - that has already been tested in other initiatives by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
(technology + social learning + local activity)i = FULL INTEGRATION
Thanks to the strategic role of students as i-tutors, who promote social, digital and cultural integration.
- Train the Trainers: distance learning and support for students acting as i-tutors to promote inclusion and integration
- Educational Activities and Labs with i-tutors for immigrants and refugees on:
- Computer Basics (Microsoft Certification option)
- Italian as a foreign language
- Civic Education
- Coding
- Internet Points – in schools for migrants to practice independently
- Dedicated web portal with open source educational resources and content
- Events and meetings to promote socialisation and integration
- Final event during World Refugee Day (June 20, 2017)
For further information:
Francesca Del Duca, f.delduca@mondodigitale.org, 06 42014109 (ext. 206)
Ilaria Graziano, i.graziano@mondodigitale.org, 06 42014109 (ext. 210)