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Clothes like Synapses

Clothes like Synapses

Clothes like Synapses

Eight students studying Fashion Design at the Naples Accademia di Belle Arti have been selected for the Digital Made Contest. Their projects, developed in collaboration with the Fab Lab in Frosinone, will be featured at the Fashion Digital Night, as part of Rome’s traditional  fashion event,


As part of the Altaroma event (January 24-27, 2019) at the Prati Bus District, Fondazione Mondo Digitale is promoting the “Fashion Digital Made” initiative to accelerate the digital transformation in the fashion sector, promote new competences and professional profiles and drive innovation in Italian SMEs for the new generations. Why, you may ask, should a non-profit organization focusing on inclusion, social innovation and lifelong learning organize a fashion show? Director General Mirta Michilli, explained this yesterday at the RAI Radio 1 Programme "Giorno per giorno".


Mirta Michilli, who was interviewed on live radio by Maria Teresa Lamberti, provided a few advance hints on the fashion show, describing the technological solutions that were adopted in the prototypes selected for Digital Made Contest. The catwalk will feature clothes that also work as access points, clothes made with innovative materials, and 3D-printed accessories.


Information on Project Digital Made and the Fashion Digital Night are available at


Listen to the Interview


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