A New challenge for the community of teachers of the school of us
With the new year, we renew our call to all teachers to continue building together the community of practice Teachers of the School of Us. We want to enhance the role of teachers as agents of change, ready to experiment and innovate in educational contexts at all levels.
The first appointment, online on the Zoom platform, is set for next Monday, 13 January, at 5pm.
This year, we are exploring new horizons, with a special focus on artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, to promote curricular innovation that is multidisciplinary and inclusive.
The goal is to transform learning into an engaging experience that stimulates skills, values and knowledge essential to our Education for Life model. By unleashing creativity and ingenuity, we can immediately set the capacity for change in motion.
We are convinced that a crucial role can also be played by incremental innovation: with micro system processes we can progressively scale change, generating concrete and widespread impacts. The open source community of the Teachers of the School of Us uses digital as a true ‘community technology’: a tool for thinking and acting collectively, forming responsible citizens, building solid professional ties and freeing the energies of an area.
If you too would like to experiment and innovate in your school community and are curious to explore the challenges and topics we will address together, join the community of Teachers of the School of Us: together, let's make the school more inclusive, innovative and quality.