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The fourth edition of the Forum on Sustainability, organised by Fortune Italia in Rome (Nov. 25-26), focuses on the national recovery and resilience plans: digitalisation, innovation and competitiveness; ecological transition; energy infrastructure and sustainable mobility; inclusion and cohesion. Sustainability is the principle that underlies the entire range of issues, especially in terms of the ecological and digital transition.
As happened last year, on the second day, the Scientific Committee of Fortune Italia will present awards to the most sustainable Italian start-ups. Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is a member of the committee.
Change the World Award Scientific Committeee
- Tiziana Catarci, Director DIAG, Professor Computer Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
- Silvia Ciucciovino, Professor of Labour Law, Deputy Rector and Delegate for Relations with the Labour Market, Roma Tre University
- Maria Cristina Finucci, Founder, Garbage Patch State
- Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli, Professor of Electronics and Circuit Theory, Sapienza University of Rome
- Gennaro Iasevoli, Professor of Marketing and Enterprise Management, Deputy Rector for Research and Internationalisation, Lumsa University
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Luigi Paganetto, Professor Emeritus, President, Fondazione Economia Tor Vergata