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“Change Maker” Women

Mirta Michilli con il robot Nao a RomeCup

“Change Maker” Women

“Change Maker” Women

Mirta Michilli will speak at the upcoming Fortune Italia talk

The next Fortune Italia talk dedicated to “Women Who Support Women” will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 11:00-12:00.

Gender equality can drive sustainable development. Indeed, the UN Agenda 2030 focuses – in its fifth point – on the effective achievement of gender equality as “necessary to achieve equal and sustainable development.” This is a strategic and crucial target for the achievement of all other 16 sustainable development objectives.

Fortune Italia’sMPW - Most Powerful Women format aims to “give voice to four women, who from the outset of their professional careers, have chosen to support the professional, personal, and social growth of other women.” However, a male point of view, on who has stood out in terms of sensitivity and commitment to this issue, will also be present.


Moderator: Mariapia EbreoFortune Italia

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