A new European project begins, implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for School Education Programme. The objective of Project CAnVASS+ “Content Audio Video mAnagement SyStem Plus” is to promote the exchange of good practices related to the continuous learning of teachers to drive educational innovation by improving digital skills.
The project kick-off meeting, which will be held today in Rome [see agenda], involves 9 partners from 4 European member states. Alessandra Fratejacci will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
School managers and professors interested in participating should contact the FMD European Project Coordinator: Annaleda Mazzucato a.mazzucato@mondodigitale.org. Please include the title of the project in the subject line and a telephone contact.
Project CAnVASS+ “Content Audio Video mAnagement SyStem Plus”, implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for School Education Programme aims to promote the exchange of good practices related to the continuous learning of teachers to drive educational innovation by improving digital skills.
Project activities will be organised to promote the acquisition of competences that will help to integrate new technology in educational curricula, develop collaborative methodologies and ad hoc educational content that favour active learning, based on problem solving and critical thinking.
The educational objectives of CANVAS+, which address teachers and trainers, includes the experimentation of a multimedia approach to promote:
- the management of digital classes: from ITC to Social Media
- a challenge-based learning approach to make courses more exciting and motivating, as well as fulfilling job market requests
- the personalisation of knowledge through the reinforcement of visual learning styles
- the development of new digital competences.
- E.RI.FO. - Research and Education Centre, Italy
- Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Via Sarandì, Italy
- Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
- Confederacion Espanola de Centros de Ensenanza Asociacion C.E.C.E., Spain
- Proemasa Las Chapas C, Spain
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Greece
- 4th Vocational School of Heraklion – Greece
- Best Cybernetics Single Member Private Company, Greece
- Liceul Tehnologic de Transporturi, Romania
The 36-month project will begin in December 2017. Over 2500 teachers will be selected throughout Europe to participate in the experimentation of the educational material and tools developed by the project consortium. Some partners will become European Project Ambassadors to transmit their experience to schools and promote the diffusion of innovative educational methodologies.