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Building a "Good" Robot


Building a "Good" Robot

Building a "Good" Robot


Safeguarding our privacy, private matter, collaboration, social responsibility, benefit sharing, safeguarding the biosphere… which principles should inspire the programming of robots?
Robo-ethics is not the ethics of robots, but of their designers and producers.
Pericle Salvini, a researcher at the Bio-robotics Insitute of the Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa has animated a laboratory on the issue of "Robotics and Ethics" for the schools at the RomeCup 2011.
Elisa Amorelli asks Pericle Salvini to explain robo-ethics.



The Memorandum of Understanding on Educational Robotics will be signed by Paolo Dario on behalf of the Istituto Superiore S. Anna di Pisa.

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