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The Breathing Building

The Breathing Building

The Breathing Building

Project TIB RO-LAB, developed by students at IIS Majorana-Pisano in Guidonia Montecelio (Rome), won the first prize of Project RoLAB - Rome Live Art Lab, promoted with the United States Embassy in Rome [see news: Rome Live Art Lab].


The site chosen as a case study is located on the eastern side of the Rome metropolitan area, where there is a huge uncompleted building (ex Nuova Fiorentini). The structure was originally meant to host an SME hub. At the final event held on July 9, the project was illustrated by Ruchira Fernando. Here is his presentation:




The students describe it like this: The project, rather than defining an image, aims to identify a progressive, flexible and connective process, which through six steps (foundation, prefiguration, appropriation, sharing, transformation, definition), leads to the urban regeneration through the gradual development of the an area dedicated to urban art (Spazio Tiburtino per l’Arte Urbana Partecipata - STARTup). The MAXXI acted as a consultant to the school.


The students developed a complex project, carefully and originally accepting the video challenge launched by Steven Wolff to identify projects that could transform abandoned area into artistic and cultural areas through an original interpretation of shared values.


The Workgroup

Students: Francesca Aprile, Ruchira Fernando, Chiara Peretti, Martina Urbinati, Andrea Di Alessandro, Debora Capizzi, Aurora Carta, Denise Matera, Federico Russo, Sharon Zaccagnino

  • Roberto Ianigro (Coordinator), Professor of Art and Art History, former architect
  • Ciro Vitale, Professor of Art and Scenography, visual artist
  • Leandro Sorrentino, Professor of Humanities, musician and sound designer
  • Eusebio Ciccotti, School Administrator, University Professor of Cinema History and film maker
  • Pippo Ciorra, Senior Curator for Architecture, MAXXI Museum
  • Federico Borzelli, Marketing and Development, MAXXI Museum
  • Giulia Masini, Dual Education, MAXXI Museum
  • Alfonso Giancotti, Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Dimitrij Vinciguerra DJ, Studio associato Elia Giancotti
  • Roberto Fioretti, architect, G124 2018
  • Giada Pipitone, PhD Art History
  • Irene Scifoni, Art History student and film maker
  • Emanuele Eleuteri, Computer Science student, film maker and Director of the Chimera Association
  • Local residents


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