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The Best of Youth


The Best of Youth

The Best of Youth


Today, Microsoft’s Milan headquarters in Peschiera Borromeo will welcome 150 students from 8 schools in 7 regions. They are just a few of the protagonists of Project Meet No Neet, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft as part of the global Youthspark Programme.
The project addresses 10 thousand young Italians aged 16-24 and aims to provide them with innovative tools and competneces to access the working world through a process of total innovation: from experiential education to project management via self-enterprise. The appointment is for today, Thursday February 5 at 10:30 am in Peschiera Borromeo (Milan).
Schools at the event:
   IIS Via Silvestri 301 di Roma, Lazio
   LSS G.Marconi di Pesaro, Marche
   IPSIA Pacinotti di Pontedera (PI), Tuscany
   ISIS Fermi-Mattei di Isernia, Molise
   IIS IT Marconi di Catania, Sicily
   LS Cavalleri di Parabiago (MI), Lombardy
   ITS Viganò di Merate (LC), Lombardy
   IIS Ferraris di Scampia (NA), Campania


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