“Imagine a thirteen-meter-wide bathtub and imagine that it is rotating. Imagine that there is a rotating platform over the tub with bizarre and sophisticated tools – lasers, video cameras, sensors of various types. Individuals on the platform are observing the dynamics of coloured currents in the tub, carefully controlling that their instrumentation is working, and not to lose balance while, to contrast the Coriolis force, they lean left. A similar scenario – balanced on a huge rotating tub in the Grenoble Labs – to that in which Claudia Adduce, Associate Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the “Roma Tre” University, conducted research that won her the prestigious Ippen Award, the greatest global recognition in the field of hydraulic engineering.”
This is how, two years ago, in the Il Sole 24 Ore Sunday magazine, Lorenzo Carlucci presented the extraordinary feat of Prof. Adduce, the first Italian to win the greatest global scientific award in the field of hydraulic engineering.
Tomorrow, the Coding Girls will have the opportunity to speak to Claudia Adduce and learn how to "blend experiments in futuristic labs with virtual experiments conducted on supercomputers, hosted in research centres around the world, as well as how to understand complex natural phenomena of extreme significance for the environment.”
Today, engineering can even help us to perform a balancing act ... amongst the scientific disciplines, it’s one of the sectors that is progressing most rapidly to bridge the gender divide [see: Data from the National Council of Engineers].
The third session with the “My Future? It’s Up to Me!” intergenerational campaign on gender equality launched by Coding Girls will be held tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 24, 4-5 pm.
As usual the role modelling session will be streamed live on the Coding Girls Facebook Page.
Claudia Adduce, Associate Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the Department of Engineering of the ”Roma Tre” University, will be interviewed by two young women at the Liceo Scientifico Tito Lucrezio Caro di Napoli, a Coding Girls hub school:
- Giulia Pappalardo, 16, loves swimming and drawing, as well as IT. She has participated in a Robotics course at the “Città della scienza.”
- Clara Ferraro, 16, loves art and entertainment. She works as a graphic artist on the school newspaper.
8th Edition of Coding Girls
- Agenda
- Press Note
- Universities
- Coding Girls (project profile)
- Coding Girls in Turin (project profile)
- CO.ME.SE (project profile)
- Association
- Data on the Gender Gap
Photo Gallery