The Italian Digital Ambassadors are back home after their first joint mission for European Project Make Learn Share Europe [see news The Fab Six]. The Digital Ambassadors are: Vincenzo Polizzi, 19 years old, Leonardo Falanga, 17 years old, Alessandro Marcon, 19 years old, Emanuele Alfano, 19 years old, and Emanuele Coletta, 14 years old. The only absentee was Valeria Cagnina, 15 years old.
The Italian team was in Spain from November 9 to 11 to participate in the first "Working Conference" and share knowledge, competences and enthusiasm with students from other countries.
Francesca Del Duca, [@Francesca_fmd] Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coordinator, followed the team’s preparation and reports that “It was a rich and intense experience for the students, especially when confronting their peers. Sweden brought 9 students who taught nine-year-olds how to use Raspberry Pi. Sheffield also brought 5 students (4 boys and one girl) who had studied Raspberry to develop specific projects. Riga brought 3 ambassadors who worked on Arduino. The largest delegation was the Spanish one with 15 students.
The Italian team was technically more advanced than the others, thanks to the project which allowed them to acquire a range of news skills and knowledge. And the public speaking experience was very useful, too.”
The Italian team’s pitch
You will hear more about them in the coming days!
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