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Artificial Intelligence at School

Intelligenza artificiale

Artificial Intelligence at School

Artificial Intelligence at School

Data science, machine learning... a new curriculum with Edu4AI

Both the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) and the Italian Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, published by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development have revealed the need to redesign the curricula of school to include courses on artificial intelligence and data, and plan investments to promote the acquisition of new skills by both students and teachers.

European Project Edu4AI - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Foster 21st Century Skills in Secondary Education is perfectly in line with these recommendations. In particular, the project is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Programme to introduce artificial intelligence in schools and guarantee a process of democratic access to innovation.

 Following the teacher training courses [see news: Democratic Innovation], the partners are now developing technical and pedagogic guidelines in bimonthly work sessions. The objective is not only to introduce a process of literacy for machine learning and artificial intelligence, but also to provide secondary schools with the tools to develop a custom-tailored curriculum aiming to develop the students’ soft skills.

On Wednesday, April 21, the European Commission will publish its draft regulations on artificial intelligence.

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