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Art is Complexity

Art is Complexity

Art is Complexity

Massimo Margotti, a carbon footprint expert explains the meaning of "Metronimia. Figures in a Complex System,” the work created by artist Elena Bellantoni in collaboration with students at the Rome De Chirico and Frascati Pantaleoni Schools for Project "Carbon Footprint through Digital Art. New Didactic Models for Teaching Science."


The work was exhibited at Maxxi during the Media Art Festival 2017.




Elena Bellantoni, IIS De Chirico (Rome), IPS Pantaleoni (Frascati)


Together with students in the two schools, the artist developed a video installation based on the idea of complex systems in Physics and the climactic change caused by the carbon footprint. The title of the work - "Metronimia. Figures in a Complex System” – is a poetic interpretation of natural physical and scientific dynamics.


In Physics, a complex system is one in which individual parts are interested by local, short-range, interactions that cause changes in the overall structure. Science can identify the local changes, but cannot predict the future state of the entire system. As Edgar Morin said: “Unpredictability and paradox are always present in complex systems and will forever remain unknown in some.”

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