At the Liceo P. Paleocapa in Rovigo, one of the hubs in the Social Hosting Hub Network, a group of students has been involved not only in on-line courses on various issues, but also in training sessions on soft skills and orientation.
The students collaborated even via remote digital sessions with the debate methodology. The practiced upholding a stance and fighting against the ideas of others, in an open discussion that was respectful of all participants.
Should our digital reputation (our image as developed on-line by sharing materials on our social media channels) condition our public life and be essential, for example, to a job search?
Students divided into two groups presented their positions for and against this issue. The debate was moderated by Federica Boniolo. The jury included local professionals working in human resources.
In two videos, the issue was discussed by three debaters, Alessandro Sparapan, Milo Brusaferro and Flavio Xhaferaj, as well as Coach Federica Boniolo.
The TOOLS Section of the Social Hosting Hub website includes worksheets to develop digital rooms with the debate methodology.
Project Social Hosting Hub is one of the winners of the Impact Challenge on Security, a fund that helps non-profit organisations developing practical and real solutions to contrast hate and extremism, and to help children be safe on- and off-line. The objective of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and partner organisations Action Aid, Comunità di Sant'Egidio and Parole O_Stili, is to create and coordinate the first phyrtual (physical and virtual) ecosystem made of connections, relations and communities.