2 min.
The Town of Aprilia and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale promote the first local project for the digital literacy of the elderly. Grandparents on the Internet, a project started in 2002 with an agreement between Mondo Digitale and the Ministry of Innovation, arrives to Aprilia. The town of Aprilia is one of the first Italian municipalities to adhere to the initiative that has already involved numerous regional and provincial administrations, but only rarely municipal ones.
The courses for the elders that frequent the four elderly centers in Aprilia (Montello, Campoleone, Campo di Carne and Montarelli) will be held in the computer labs of four local schools (Liceo scientifico “A. Meucci” and branch school, Istituto comprensivo “G. Garibaldi” and Istituto comprensivo “G. Pascoli”). The students will tutor the elders and help them learn about digital media and the Internet.
The free course lasts a total of 30 hours over 15 meetings (2 hrs/week). At the end of the course, all the participants – students, teachers, elders – receive an attendance certificate.
The project will be officially presented at a press conference to be held in the Aprilia town hall on Monday, December 19, 10 am. Speakers include Aprilia Mayor Domenico D’Alessio, the President of the Social Services Department Michela Biolcati Rinaldi and Youth Policy Councilor Luana Caporaso. Alfonso Molina will represent the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Representatives of the elderly centers will also be present to describe their common process towards digital literacy.