2 min.
Three students from the Liceo scientifico E. Fermi in Catanzaro, Matteo Bonacci, Irina Teti and Beatrice Viotti, with the help of Art and Design teacher Anna Rita Gagliardi, have developed Up Calabria, a mobile app that provides tourists with an enriched experiences, a third eye with which to behold the Region’s many treasures.
“We have developed a free prototype of the application thanks to the help of our teachers,” explains Beatrice Viotti (18), one of the developers. “We would like to present the app at the Tourism Exhibition and publicise it at cultural events. Calabria deserves to be more appreciated than it currently is! And we could expand the historical and artistic functions to include practical applications for tourists.”
“We would like to develop a mobile guide for smartphones and tablets that is constantly updated and tourists can use to explore and learn more about Calabria. We will begin with an interactive multi-lingual platform on museums and archaeological sites on the Ionic coast of Calabria.”
The first four sites on the app are:
· Squillace Superiore and Ancient Scolacium
· Grangia di Montauro
· Monasterace Superiore and Ancient Kaulon
· Mammola and the Santa Barbara Museum (MuSaBa)
However, as the definitive version of the app will require further technical support, the students have begun a crowdfunding campaign on Phyrtual.org. Beatrice is the testimonial for the “My Future? #itsuptome” Campaign launched by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to promote social innovation projects in school. This project is extremely concrete. They want to transform their app into a startup!