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App in progress


App in progress

App in progress


Tomorrow, Thursday April 3, Porta Futuro will dedicate an entire morning to new digital profession (Via Galvani 108, 9 am). Cecilia Stajano (Innovation in Schools) will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale .

Porta Futuro in Testaccio is a multi-functional structure dedicated to promoting job demand and supply matches. It was created following the model set by Porta 22 in Barcelona and the Trades City.


During the course of the event, Project Start Up App In Progress will be presented. This is a project born from the passion of young individuals for videogames and technology and provides scholastic and professional orientation.
The meeting addresses local players that use new digital tools in education, training and enterprise.
9:00 am       Registration
9:30 am       Presentation of Porta Futuro
   Federico Bianchi di Castelbianco, Istituto di Ortofonologia, Adolescence and Digital Tools
   Arturo Marcello Allega,  ITIS Giovanni XXIII, New Learning Models at School
   Andrea Morini, Accademia Italiana Videogiochi, Digital Professions
   Mimma Chiara Cavarra, Digitalbio
The presentation of App in Progress will include a presentation by Cecilia Stajano, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
11:00 am     Coffee break
Debate: Digital Tools – Schools and Enterprise
   Diego Ciulli, Senior Analyst Google
   Mattia Corbetta, Ministry for Economic Development
   Andrea Di Benedetto, CNA National Office, President
   Maria Cristina Di Luca, Kublai
   Stefano Epifani, Sapienza University of Rome
   Anna Grimaldi, ISFOL
   Francesco Lucisano, Education University and Research Ministry
Moderator: Luca Iaia, CNA Young Entrepreneurs

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