The Rome Liceo Antonio Labriola is successfully pursuing its Meet No Neet training programme [see news CV Soft Skills], which this year also offers a specific module dedicated to digital skills thanks to the collaboration with the Community, a group of professionals that shares and divulges programming techniques for the Microsoft.NET Platform.
Last Saturday, November 14, the students participated in the fifth meeting dedicated to Developing Hybrid Applications for Mobile Devices, Part 2. In particular, they worked on a user interface for the back-end side to enter and edit events and locations.
Project DotNetSchool helps schools to develop apps to manage alternative didactics. The Liceo Labriola, in fact, is cited as a best case by the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research for new digital environments and, in particular, for Augmented Classrooms [see news New Digital Environments].
The project also serves as a perfect opportunity to involve students in the new eSkills for Jobs Campaign, launched by the European Commission to promote the quantitative and qualitative growth of employment.
In the photo: Ana Lain, School Network Manager for Programme Meet No Neet with professionals from the Community at the Future Decoded event (see news Satya Nadella in Rome].
Programme Calendar
October 10: Designing Software (ALM)
October 17: Data and Security (Entity Framework)
October 24: Developing REST Services (ASP.NET Web API) November 7: Developing Hybrid Applications for Mobile Devices, Part 1
November 14: Developing Hybrid Applications for Mobile Devices, Part 2
November 28: Developing Hybrid Applications for Mobile Devices, Part 3
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