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Ànthropos e Technè

Interviste Ricerca ENACT 2014 102.JPG

Ànthropos e Technè

Ànthropos e Technè



The next meeting of Project Enact will take place on June 19 at Agropoli, in the Province of Salerno as part of the first Anthropos and Technè Symposium dedicated to the development of technology for mankind. Italian and European universities at the forefront in research and the development of new technologies will be present at the event.
Project “ENACT - Enhancing negotiation skills through on-line Assessment of Competencies and interactive mobile Training” is a two-year programme (January 2014 - December 2015) that involves 6 partners from 4 countries. The project is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme Key Activity 3 - Sviluppo dei contenuti e dei servizi ICT - Based.



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