Simonetta, Sandro, Luisa and Anna Teresa are just a few of the over-65s from Anteas who participated in the "Seniors On-line" Digital Literacy Lab at the FaceBook Binario F as part of Programme “Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100.”
In thse interviews recorded by Ilaria Bonanni during the course of the four sessions held by Astrid D'eredità and high school students, the elders describe how they were introduced to new technology thanks to the intergenerational learning formula [see news: Binario F: Grandparents’ Party].
The protagonists of the first video in the playlist are two young students from the Liceo Croce-Aleramo in Rome. The sum of the ages of Alessandra and Ludovica is about a third of that of their student, eighty-year-old Maria Teresa, who completely won them over with her enthusiasm.
The report by Andrea Rolli for the RAI3 "Quante Storie" Programme was broadcast last Tuesday, October 29, for Internet Day 2019.
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