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Amongst Generations in Cagliari

Amongst Generations in Cagliari

Amongst Generations in Cagliari

Project Amongst Generations – United for Work is about to end in Cagliari, too. During the course of the year, the 15 year-three students from IIS A. Pacinotti, coordinated by Prof. Carla Equinozio, and 8 over-65 craftsmen shared knowledge, experiences and competences.


Today’s programme includes an exploratory visit to the digital manufacturing lab managed by Faberaus, while tomorrow the appointment is at the engineering firm of Salvatore Pica, a member of CNA Pensionati.


In this interview with Eleonora Curatola, filmed at the beginning of the digital literacy course, Salvatore Pica explains why he joined the project and the need to acquire new competences.



Learn, Do, Share

The Fab Lab Cagliari is a digital manufacturing lab that is open to everyone. Anyone can project and develop objects and inventions. The lab is managed by the Faberaus Association, whose objectives include the promotion of innovation and technological experiments. The Fab Lab promotes digital manufacturing and shared design, free hardware and software, and sustainable development with anyone who wishes to have fun, experiment and is happy to share and develop his/her idea.


The Fab Lab Cagliari has participated in numerous projects, including B-sensor (a pillow against bedsores), Saladina (a hydroponic kitchen kit), Pardubot (a cake printer), etc. It has collaborated with Fab Labs in both national and international networks, including Fab Lab IED Madrid, Fab Lab Treviso, Fab Lab Cascina etc. Moreover, it also organises electronics labs for children and digital manufacturing courses for adults.

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