In Sign for the Planet, we informed you about FMD’s undersigning of the Declaration of Intent of Foundations and Agencies on Climate Change promoted by Assifero. Now, we would like to inform you about an event - “#PhilanthropyForClimate: How can philanthropy galvanise local action for global impact?” – which is co-organised by Dafne – Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe, ECFI (European Community Foundation Initiative), Foundation Scotland, Foundations Platform F20 and WINGS as part of Cop26. The on-line appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, 3-5 pm.
The objective of the meeting is to focus on the role of philanthropy in the fight against the climate emergency, to connect the local and global levels and contribute to research for sustainable solutions to face this crisis through a holistic approach. The global declaration that was undersigned by 65 signatories will be presented during the event.
Further information on the event and the registration form are available here.