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Ambassadors’ Relay

Ambassadors’ Relay

Ambassadors’ Relay

Laura, Pasquale, Simone, Salvatore and Chiara are five Italians who met thanks to Project Make: Learn: Share: Europe to form the second Italian team of digital ambassadors.


We interviewed Simone Mostarda, a sixteen-year-old from Rome who is attending his third year at the Istituto Enrico Fermi in Frascati (Rome), where he studies Electronics. His passions include not only sports and music, but also astronomy and Dante’s Divine Comedy. And notwithstanding his literary penchant (he also received an Ugo Foscolo Award for a thesis on silence), Simone wants to continue studying electronics at university. In the meantime, he continues to repair and recycle vintage objects and sound systems.


Simone explains what he did to become a digital ambassador, the skills he has developed and his advice for those who will pick up his baton. In fact, candidatures will be collected until February 28 for the new Digital Ambassadors 2018 Call of Project MLSE (Erasmus+). The first training session for the new ambassadors will be held at RomeCup 2018. The candidates, aged 14-16, will participate in labs on robotics, digital making, IoT and virtual reality to learn how to train their peers on the same subjects and help build the international network of new technology ambassadors!


To apply, please send an updated CV and a short presentation letter to:



Requirements: age 14-16, motivation and curiosity, just like Simone!


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