On May 9-12, the Knut Hahn School in Ronneby (Sweden) will host the third project meeting of Make: Learn: Share: Europe.
During the meeting, project parnters will analyse the results achieved to date to evaluate the efficiency of the courses organised in each country. In fact, the project actively involves young men and women as digital ambassadors to train their peers and develop new project ideas.
Annaleda Mazzucato and Francesca Del Duca will represent the Fondazione Mondo Digitale at the meeting.
During the course of the Working Conference in Gijon (Spain) organised by the Municipality of Gijón (see news: E-leadership School) and then at RomeCup 2017, organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, we met with some of the digital ambassadors in the European network and learned about the projects they are developing.
Project MLSE, which began in November 2015 and will end on October 31, 2018, aims to develop opportunities to learn digital skills for youth throughout Europe by promoting the exchange of information and peer learning.