Alen Ajam is a year-four student at IIS Pacinotti-Archimede in Rome. It’s the first time that he participates in extra-curricular activities and his choice was certainly not banal. In collaboration with the Rome Campus Biomedico Univesrity, Alen will participate in RomeCup 2018 (April 16-18) [continue reading on – In Italian]
The Studenti Magazine, a RomeCup 2018 media partner, describes Alen’s commitment in a team that will participate in the Cobot Contest, one of the challenges for innovative robotic solutions promoted with the universities of Rome for RomeCup.
The Rome Campus Bio-Medico University launched a challenge for university and school-work programme mixed teams: to “develop innovative interfaces for the control of electric wheelchairs" [see interview with Researcher Fabrizio Taffoni: The Cobot Challenge].
Romecup 2018: Alen and the Wheelchair Controlled by Movements of the Head (in Italian)
For RomeCup 2018, Alen and his teammates designed a wheelchair for individuals with motor disabilities that can be controlled with movements of the head.
by Veronica Adriani
Studenti, April 11, 2018