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Agenda of the Month

Agenda of the Month

Agenda of the Month

We start the new year with an agenda of the month addressing all of our ongoing projects, new activities and the most important upcoming appointments in January.


The Internet Mobile School promoted by TIM for Operation Digital Risorgimento, in collaboration with various partners [for the role of the FMD, see news on Teachers and Coaches] continues in Sicily. There will be three appointments starting this month: 

  • Noto, January 13 – February 7
  • Acireale, January 21 - February 14
  • Milazzo, January 27 - February 21


Reframing as social change is at the core of the new CO.ME - COde&FraME Project promoted in partnership with ENI. It’s an original course for women on coding, reframing and fabbing to reprogramme mental frames with new paradigms inspired to “circular culture.” It will involve female students, women working at ENI and role models [see news: CO.ME in Milan].


Activities are also underway for Project Coding Girls in Turin, which thanks to the alliance with the Compagnia di San Paolo, will provide educational and orientation opportunities to hundreds of young women for three years.


On January 17, IIS De Pinedo-Colonna in Rome will host a “motivational address” by Scientific Director Alfonso Molina for students participating in Project Startuppers at School promoted by Lazio Innova.


As part of the Altaroma Roma Fashion Week (Jan. 23-26, 2020), there will be the Fashion Digital Night hi-tech show on Sunday, January 26 at the former Guido Reni military barracks.


As part of the RomeCup multi-event (Rome, April 21-23, 2020), the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Invitalia have launched the "AI & Robotics for Climate Change" Challenge to stimulate young talented men and women to propose robotic solutions and business ideas on climactic change. The first hackathon [see Regulations], organised in collaboration with the Consorzio ARCA and the University of Palermo, will be held in the Sicilian capital on January 30 (9 am – 6 pm) [see news: A Climate Challenge].


Opportunities and deadlines:


Other January Project Activities

  • Ambizione Italia for Schools  
    Labs on artificial intelligence will be held at the Milan Microsoft House. On Wednesday, January 8, the courses will be held by Bianca Frigerio and Davide Cattaneo, who are participating in the Microsoft Give Campaign. There will also be an interactive orientation lab in Rome as part of the Open Day at IIS Enzo Ferrari (Saturday, Jan. 11, 10:00 am).
  • ABC Atelier

The Regione Lazio Call for the "Free Course on Cultural Marketing Technician” promoted by the Ro.Ma. Consortium and the “Gema” Business School, aims to train a new generation of cultural marketing specialists. Labs will be held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab.

This week’s labs address a variety of users. Besides the Digital Academy on Public Health (Jan. 24-25), the Course on Digital Competences and Orientation (former school work-programme) continues at the Rome Liceo Democrito.


As usual, over the weekend, the digital manufacturing lab (Fab Lab) at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is open to the maker community: Saturday-Sunday from 3:30 to 8:30 pm.


Google Calendar allows you to follow all scheduled events and save the activities you are interested in in your personal agenda.


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