Notwithstanding the commitment to guarantee an inclusive education, many countries still lack the policy necessary to base their educational system on diversity.
Nearly 258 million children and adolescents – 17% of the global total – do not attend school. The recently published UNESCO GEM Report 2020 on Inclusion and Education: All Means All, analyses the progress made towards achieving the fourth SDG (Quality Education) of the Agenda 2030. The report focuses on the capacity for inclusion of global education systems and social, economic and cultural factors that fuel discrimination and exclusion.
The on-line presentation includes contributions by champions of inclusion, ministers, teachers and celebrities, from around the world, whose stories and efforts lie at the heart of the issue addressed by the GEM 2020 Report. “The report invites everyone working in education to broaden their understanding of inclusive education to include all students, independently from their identity, life context and abilities; to believe that each individual is unique, has potential and should be respected; to place diversity at the centre of educational systems, rather than view it as an issue.”
Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Global Education Monitoring Report, 2020
Inclusion and Education
All Means All
UNESCO, 2020
Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Global education monitoring report, 2020
Inclusion and Education
All mean all
Unesco, 2020