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3rd #Edu4Life Webinar


3rd #Edu4Life Webinar

3rd #Edu4Life Webinar



The third on-line webinar for teachers participating in the activities organized by Projects Active Ageing and Solidarity Amongst Generations through Learning and Social Innovation and Meet No Neet will be held today from 4:00 to 6:30 pm.
Thanks to new technology, teachers from schools in various Italian regions can attend the on-line training sessions from home or school. The Moodle learning environment on (password-protected) will soon be integrated with the platform in order to create a single phyrtual environment for sharing material and experiences.

    Today’s Programme


  • Introduction
  • Development Plan
  • Practice
  • Open Forum
  • Conclusions
The webinar will specifically address the first crowdfunding campaigns developed by schools with the slogan My Future? #itsuptome.
Today’s webinar will also be attended by teachers in Rome involved in the first Thematic Week dedicated to the use of new technology for didactics (see Roman School Capital).
All the material, including the webinar video, will be available on-line.
Life Education Programme [PowerPoint Presentation]
For further information, please contact:
Ana Lain,, cell. 345 4186710
Cecilia Stajano,, cell. 320 1731570




The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research as a training agency for school personnel, so participation is counted as professional updating.

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