2R – RESET&RECODE is a digital literacy project designed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to introduce young convicts to computers, coding and digital manufacturing. The project is implemented in collaboration with CPIA 3, headed by Ada Maurizio, thanks to funds assigned through Ministerial Decree N. 663/2016, Art. 13.
The project will be held in two prisons where the Rome CPIA 3 operates:
•“Casal del Marmo” Juvenile Detention Centre
•“Regina Coeli” Prison
Thanks to an innovative educational proposal, Project “2R - RESET&RECODE” aims to:
•Aid the social and professional re-insertion of young convicts by improving their digital competences;
•Provide opportunities for young convicts to exchange opinions, socialise and reflect;
•Increase cohesion amongst young convicts and promote relational processes and problem solving;
•Promote the emergence of individual attitudes and passions, promoting new life projects;
•Provide concrete opportunities to acquire key 21st century skills for re-insertion into society and the working world;
•Stimulate their creativity, ability to design and know-how.
The following activities will be held:
•3 Introductory Computer courses
•3 Scratch courses – 1st level
•2 Digital Making courses
•1 Digital Storytelling courses
This afternoon (3:45-5:45 pm), activities will begin at the Casal Del Marmo Juvenile Detention Centre with the first Introductory Computer course (25 hours) for a group of women in the female section of the prison. The course will be held by Coach Valentina Gelsomini.