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Ambizione Italia per la cybersecurity

Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity

On February 27, at 11 am, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Microsoft Italia, in partnership with the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, will present Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity. The project...

Vagone FMD nel Metaverso

The Metaverse for Health

Is it already possible to speak of a "mediverse," i.e., areas of medicine, such as virtual hospitals or interactive training spaces, transferred to a metaverse? Thanks to the immersive, interactive...

Giovani e scienza

Sharing the Future

It’s the centennial of the Italian National Research Council. Since 1923, the CNR has conducted scientific research in the main sectors interesting national development, promoting innovation, the internationalization of the...

Vagone FMD nel Metaverso

Performance and Visual Arts in the Metaverse

The intersection between innovation and art is giving from to new arts and a different way of experiencing performance art. The metaverse provides artists, creatives, designers, and producers with a...

Vagone FMD nel Metaverso

The Metaverse for Business Digitalisation

Most enterprises invest a lot of time in the metaverse, an environment that may well represent the economy of the future and of the new generations. In fact, 95% of...

Area X

Creative Day

Final appointment for the second edition of Project Roll Cloud – Working in the Cloud , the innovative course that introduces secondary school students in Piedmont to scenarios, professions and...

Vagone FMD

The Metaverse for Health

New horizons for the training of healthcare personnel, therapies for mental illnesses, and healthcare at home are three of the main experiments conducted in the metaverse in terms of science...

Sessione di Lego Serious Play

Sustainability Creathon

On December 20, the Innovation Gym at IIS Carlo Urbani in Ostia will host a creative marathon for schools, associations and local actors to co-design the digital and sustainable transformation...

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti

CO.ME.SE. Final Event

Thanks to Project COde & fraME for Self-empowerment , students in Italian schools have been transformed into the protagonists of change for individual and collective sustainable growth. The students were...

Invito evento di Natale

Christmas Party 2022

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale community is about to receive an invitation to our Christmas Party to celebrate a year of work together. Let’s review our achievements and hint at what...

Vagone FMD nel metaverso

The Metaverse for Universities

A new didactic experience based on the Metaverse is a tour fingertips. Someone has called it the Eduverse. Infact, according to “The whole new world: education meets the metaverse” (Center...

Vagone FMD nel metaverso

The Metaverse for Cultural Activities

The Metaverse is a great opportunity for cultural activities. It can be used to promote museums, develop new languages and to introduce new audiences to our artistic and cultural heritage...

Vagone FMD nel metaverso

Music in the Metaverse

Music and the Metaverse have begun to interweave inextricably. We are facing an epochal transformation: musical theme parks and custom-tailored experiences for fans and their favourite artists. And these are...

Evento Coding Girls

Coding Girls for a Fairer and Securer Future

Coding Girls , the educational programme developed to help orient young women in their studies and future professions by training with STEM subjects has reached its ninth edition thanks to...

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