If we decide to install an app on our device, we provide a set of permissions by hastily reading or not reading at all the descriptions that explain what is being used and for what purpose. When we click "I agree," do we really know what we are giving consent to? It's long, boring, confusing, rejecting text... we would actually need more than 70 full-time working days to read the privacy policies of the services we use in a year! Meanwhile, we use apps for almost five hours a day, choosing from 21 million apps available from the App Store and Play Store, without having adequate training: not only we who are digital migrants but also digital natives, because to date, except for sporadic experiments, data-intensive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, have not yet entered the school curriculum.
In the contribution published in Digital Agenda magazine, Mirta Michilli, who leads the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, explains why it is urgent to strengthen guidance and accelerate the inclusion of data-intensive technologies in the school curriculum.
Cybersecurity, le insidie ignorate degli smartphone: ecco perché la formazione è una priorità
La quantità di dati che generiamo dal nostro smartphone, senza rendercene conto, è impressionante. Per questo quando pensiamo di occuparci della nostra sicurezza è come se la stessimo difendendo con un colabrodo. Partiamo con l’orientamento e inseriamo le tecnologie ad alta intensità di dati nel curricolo scolastico
di Mirta Michilli
Agenda digitale, 6 settembre 2022