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Made onlife in Venice

Sessione di mentoring
Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Made onlife in Venice

Made onlife in Venice

According to elaborations by the Cgia di Mestre Studies Office, small and medium-sized enterprises, about 90 percent of the Italian business fabric, lost about 420 billion in revenues (-13.5 percent) due to the health emergency. While of a completely different sign is the turnover of the digital biggies present in Italy, up 17 percent in the first half of 2020, at the height of the pandemic.

Businesses, particularly traditional and smaller ones, are required to have a marked ability to innovate, develop new strategies and take advantage of the new opportunities of the digital era to remain competitive even in times of crisis.

From the collaboration between Facebook Italia, Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the City of Venice, Department of Commerce and Productive Activities, comes the project "Made onlife in Venice" to guide small commercial and productive realities in Venice and Mestre to experiment with new models of digital transformation.

The pilot experience also involves schools in the area.


  • To support the digital transformation of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Promote experientiality, interaction, immersiveness;
  • Weld public-private collaboration to make culture as a public service;
  • Fertilize the territory with new content, methods and tools;


Video lectures and on-demand resources accessible to all selected economic actors of the territory (proximity merchants, artisans, tourist guides, etc.) to deepen digital communication tools and techniques: from the use of social networks, to enhance their products. to digital merchandising in the fablab.


The digital transformation of enterprises is the subject of two types of interactive webinars, basic level and intermediate level for those already familiar with network tools.

In the first level, participants analyze real case studies to learn how to present themselves on the web and connect emotionally with their audience. In the second level they analyze the rules of creative writing and learn how to build an editorial plan.


Entering the last phase are three small local businesses that are paired with three teams of students to experience an intensive service learning pilot course.

The young people, guided by experts and coaches from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, are asked to develop a digital transformation project, accompanied by a prototype or simulation, that can innovatively integrate services and infrastructure.

Thanks to agreements signed with schools, the training experience can become an original path for soft skills and guidance of about 25 hours (formerly Alternanza scuola lavoro). The mode of work is configured according to the evolution of the health emergency. The reality task given to young people can be addressed either by physical visits to the company to study the situation up close, in an integrated mode or remotely (Virtual service learning).

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