From the Grandparents on the internet computer literacy program starts the Parents on the internet at the Città Educativa in Rome
The Parents on the Internet project is a spin-off of the Grandparents on the Internet computer literacy program.
This activity is promoted in the context of the Città educativa project managed by FMD thanks to contributions from Roma Capitale, the City of Rome’s Councillorship for the Family, Education, and Young People, and the Department of Educational and Scholastic Policies.
The activities proposed involve students, teachers, and families in a detailed learning process on the safe and responsible use of the new technologies and the web divided into four phases (Reflection, A teaching project, Workshops with experts, Meetings and Events). At the end of the process, the most creative families will be awarded the honorary title of Cyber Family.
The project adopts the intergenerational learning model to create occasion for dialogue and the sharing of experience and knowledge between parents and their children, starting from the school and continuing in the home. With the participation of the Post Police, students and parents will be able to meet the experts and learn how to use the web, the social networks, the computer and other digital instruments safely and wisely, giving parents the chance to enter a world that was previously the exclusive realm of their children and to talk with them using their language.
The project’s four phases were:
- Reflection: a classroom debate between teachers and students on the safe use of new technologies and the web + the preparation of a teaching project to be developed together with the rest of the family over summer vacation.
- A teaching project: students and parents will develop a short teaching project on the safe and responsible use of new technologies through the search they make in Internet and then send it to FMD by September 30, 2013. The projects can have different characteristics: from guidelines to online safety to maps for informed navigation, from the fundamental web terminology to means of narration by means of comics, quizzes, and video commercials.
- Workshops with experts: cyber-bullying, safe Internet, risk prevention on the web: post police experts meet with students, teachers, and parents to talk about these and many other topics during brief workshops in the schools.
- Meetings/Events: the presentation of the teaching projects developed by parents and during events organized at the schools involved. The best projects will be published in the “Roma Città educativa” website and proposed to other schools as teaching tools. The honorary title of “CyberFamily” will be awarded to the students who developed the most creative projects together with their parents.
The following schools were involved:
- IC Via dell’Aeroporto - SMS Cecilio Secondo, Rome
- IC Viale dei Consoli - SMS via of the Quadraro, Rome
- IC Mozart, Rome
- IC Via Lusitania, Rome
- IC Velletri Centro, Velletri (Rm)
The questionnaire for the parents