Lazio Region competition notice "Rome Art, Beauty and Culture Atelier". Free technical marketing cultural course
Foundazione Mondo Digitale is a partner of the "free technical cultural marketing course", among the winning projects from the Lazio Region competition notice was Atelier Arte Bellezza Cultura Roma. Promoted with Ro.Ma. Consortium and Gema Business School, the initiative is designed to train a new generation of cultural marketing specialists capable of supporting all Italian and international organizations, bodies and companies operating in the culture and art sector.
- Adopt new and innovative marketing strategies to make the most of cultural heritage
- Guide young people towards new skills and professions required in their career
- Bring users closer to artistic and cultural services and events
- Increase the number of possible solutions for communication, promotion and enhancement of cultural events through the design and creation of artistic and artisan merchandising products.
The integrated course, lasting a combined 648 hours, provides various activities to form a cultural marketing technician profile. This is consistent with the formation of a commercial-marketing technician envisaged by the Regional Repertoire of Lazio skills:
- Orientation and training: teaching modules on organisational models, business strategies, project management, merchandising
- Informal activities: guided visits to cultural and artistic sites and "action learning" project work
- Masterclass: three in-depth meetings on cultural management and tourism marketing
- Work support: company internships and self-entrepreneurship paths
- Contest: competition to propose innovative design ideas able to enhance the Atelier "Museum of the Imperial Forums.
The course is aimed at 15 young people, students or graduates, employed or unemployed, who must be residents or domiciled for at least six months in the Lazio Region.
In the spaces of the Innovation Gym, the fifteen young people participate in a journey of coming up with and designing through digital manufacturing tools and rapid prototyping. They start by studying the product category, museum merchandising, and the result is a board game carved using a laser cutter which is to be also marketed in a pocket version.
During the work support phase, young people who are not introduced by a company internship can use the digital environments of the Innovation Gym, coworking spaces, and the network of trainers at Fondazione Mondo Digitale to develop their own business idea. The course includes in-depth sessions on communication, personal branding and storytelling, as well as expert advice on access to tenders and micro credit.