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Excellent Certifications


Excellent Certifications

Excellent Certifications


Timoteo (19) is a student at Itis Pacinotti in Fondi (Latina) who has developed his own web site.
The Homepage welcomes visitors like this:  
“Hi, I’m Timoteo Lamkin. I’m a telecommunications enthusiast and I study at the Istituto tecnico industriale "A. Pacinotti" in Fondi. I live in Gaeta, a beautiful town south of Rome. […] I carry out small assignments and work as a consultant. I already have a number of certifications (ECDL, Cisco, Service, Android, PHP, Web etc.).”
Some of you may have already noticed Timoteo amongst the managers, teachers, creative and experts that participated in the “Schools, Professions, Companies and Institutions – An Exchange on How to Create the Future” Conference that was held at the RomeCup 2014.
Timoteo, however, is always present at activities promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. He is a perfect example a committed students who is interested in local transformations. In fact, he is also one of the five students who are involved in the wooden mosaics stage organized by Project The Italian Makers with craftsman Raffaele Pastore. Together, they are tackling the challenge of experimenting the use of new working technologies at the Città Educativa Fab Lab, the first of its kind in Rome for the upcoming Maker Faire. The Fab Lab is modelled on MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms.
Last Saturday, Timoteo, together with friends and classmates, took the Microsoft Certifications exams at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym taking advantage of the special offer promoted by FMD until June 30. Timoteo believes that the “Mos and Mta Certifications are high level and very well considered in the working world.” Then, after taking the exam, the four friends unleashed their creativity in the Innovation Gym and experimented with the Zometool in the Activity Space.

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