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Unstoppable Women

Mirta Michilli con il robot Nao a RomeCup

Unstoppable Women

Unstoppable Women

Mirta Michilli and the community of women changing Italy.

As per tradition, StartupItalia, a magazine dedicated to innovation and Italian start-ups, has updated its list of women who are changing Italy, the Unstoppable Women

“These stories must not be viewed as gender stereotypes, but should emerge as authentic cases of competence, leadership, and impact. This approach requires a profound understanding of this nuance as the story of women in power must reflect their strength and true influence on society without any compromises,” writes Chiara Trombetta.

“[…] over the years, the list has grown to present stories related to sports, art, and science, and all the women who have stood out for their commitment, whilst all too often resulting invisible.” 

Once again, Mirta Michilli, the Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale since its creation as the Consorzio Gioventù Digitale, is present in the list.


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