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Alessandro Zampilli, who is eighteen, but has been building robots since he was eleven, will participate in the RomeCup 2012 Excellence in Robotics in Rome.
He developed his passion when he was very young. “Instead of reading me stories, my grandpa would read me to sleep with a book about electronics,” Alessandro tells us, “and that fascinated me. At five or six, I was already playing with motors and electricity."
Now, Alessandro attends courses at the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Maserati (Voghera) where he continues to cultivate his passion and soon hopes to sign up for the Engineering Faculty at the Milan Polytechnic.
His ELEKTRO 3 REVOLUTION robot is a tracked platform that searches for victims in earthquake zones and other danger zones like nuclear plants. Alessandro is going to enter his rescue robot in the competition, but his long-term plan is to transform this passion into a real job. He will present the full potential of his robot at the RomeCup.


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