The first of six regional events organised by Project Factor J, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale programme promoted with Janssen Italia [see news: Growing Up during the Emergency], involved students, professors, patients and experts on a discussion of the psychological wellbeing of adolescents. The key word here is “empathy.” The Quotidiano di Sicilia reported on the event both on its print issue [Giovani e lockdown (in Italian)] and on-line [Coronavirus e depressione, per i giovani c’è “Crescere in emergenza” (in Italian)].
For over a decade, “There is no health without mental health” has been the motto of the WHO that has acknowledged that depression is the first cause of worldwide disabilities. And experts are worried about the impact of Covid-19 on our psychological wellbeing, especially that of adolescents and fragile individuals. Indeed, current discussions focus on mental issues as the next possible global pandemic. How can we detect early signs of unease? How can we face them? What roles are played by family and school in the process of understanding and accepting illness? How can we improve individual capacity to establish emotional relations? Scientific experts and patients tried to answer these questions in the “Zedders in lockdown. Growing Up during the Emergency” event organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Janssen Italia, a Johnson&Johnson Group pharmaceutical company, with the sponsorship of the Italian Health Institute. Over 500 students were connected to the on-line event organised for World Mental Health Day [...].
Giovani e lockdown, "crescere in emergenza"
Inclusion and Respect against Depression
Quotidiano di Sicilia, Oct. 13, 2020
Read the Article [PDF, in Italian]