1 min.
The digital labs organised for the "Anziani in rete, la rete per gli anziani" (Elders on the Web, the Web for Elders) at the Gold Age Event in Venezia (Nov. 14-17, 2017) will be held by 9 students from ITIS Vito Volterra in San Donà di Piave. The students will be coordinated by Prof. Caterina Fregonese [see news: Forum for Over-60s].
The young tutors will work as digital coaches as part of their school-work programme and will introduce over-65s to the digital economy. In particular, the tutors will host four one-hour labs providing practical indications on the use of a range of tools. It’s the first coaching experience for many of them.
Debora Cavallo [@Debora_fmd] interviewed Francesco and Davide, two seventeen-year-old tutors.