As part of the Doctorclip Roma Poetry Film Festival, the 7th edition of the first Italian festival dedicated to video poetry, artist Lino Strangis will meet with young primary school students to explore the techniques and arts of digital animation applied to poetry.
The children participating in the “Word to Video” Workshop attend primary school year four at the Istituto comprensivo Via Nicola Maria Nicolai n. 85 in Rome, managed by Headmaster Gabriella Romano.
In the lab, the students will explore 3D digital animation techniques and the "Mograph" System to create moving poetry Words can dance and take over space choreographically.
The Artist
Lino Strangis is an intermedia artist (video-art, interactive virtual reality, sound art and experimental music). Since 2006, he has participated in festivals, exhibitions and reviews in Italy and abroad, as well as holding personal exhibitions in private galleries and prestigious museums.
Lino Strangis has also been active as a sound and multimedia performer and has founded various projects on sound experimentation and improvisation (both solo and with other groups) and has composed music and sound projects.
Moreover, he has worked as a curator, independent critic and event organizer, founding the “Le Momo Electronique” curating group. Since 2011, he is the artistic director of the “Centro d'arti e ricerche multimediali applicate.”
He is co-author and director of “Entr'acte Intermediale” (a TV programme on video-art).
Since 2012, he is a Professor at the “Roma Tre” University Dams where he teaches digital arts. In 2016, he began teaching multimedia installations at the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti in Turin.
He is also an essayist and curator of the “Video-art in the World of Software” series for Palladino Editore, and has published on various magazines.