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Women’s Assembly

Women’s Assembly

Women’s Assembly

On March 8 for International Women’s Day, the Rome Club of Information Technology Directors (CDTI) has organised an Assembly of Women in ICT (Zoom Platform, 5:00-7:30).


Assembly of Women in ICT

Next Generation Women. Flash, Splinters and Fragments

March 8, 2021, 5:00-7:30

Register on Zoom


Besides the Director General of the Fondazione Mondo DigitaleMirta Michilli, three Coding Girls will participate on behalf of the 15,000 protagonists of the educational programme promoted by a “hybrid” collaborative alliance composed by the United States Diplomatic Mission to ItalyEmbassy of the Netherlands, Compagnia di San PaoloMicrosoftENI and a network of 32 academic partners.


The three young women are:

  • Valentina Who (15) – a second-year student at the Istituto Schiapparelli Gramsci in Milan
  • Alessia Simonetti (17) – a fourth-year student at the Liceo Peano in Monterotondo (Rome)
  • Irene Cannistraci, coach, first-year PhD student at the Computer Science Department of Rome’s Sapienza University.



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