“I love Italian. I love school. I love life …”
Twenty-year-old Mamadou is from Senegal. Together with nine other migrants at the Sprar Enea Centre, Mamadou attended a special school, held by students from IIS Evangelista Torricelli, a Roman school directed by Anna Maria Scala.
"This experience was beautiful. I was able to find new friends, I improved my Italian and I learned to use a computer,” explains Tidiane.
"It was nice, because I learned to use a computer and met new people,” writes Iyamah.
An open school that welcomes and educates. These are the key words of the school-work programme with students from the Liceo Torricelli in Rome, who taught the basics of computers to migrants hosted at the Sprar Enea Centre.
At the end of the course, the students, who were coordinated by Prof. Maria Mascheretti, visited the Sprar Enea Centre, directed by Savia Manfredi.
Moreover, they will participate together in the “I Am There” Solidarity Football Match that will be held on International Refugee Day.