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Welcome to Brussels

Welcome to Brussels

Welcome to Brussels

The second day of the kick-off meeting for Project The Welcome Programme, implemented as part of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Programme (AMIF) will be held today in Brussels. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be represented by Ilaria Graziano (Project Manager) [see Agenda].



The objective of Welcome is to generate the exchange of good practices amongst European organisation specialised in the digital inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion, as well as to develop and test innovative social inclusion strategies for citizens from other countries.


The Project


The Welcome Project (WELCOME) is a 21-month project implemented as part of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Programme (AMIF).


The objective is to generate the exchange of good practices amongst European organisation specialised in the digital inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion, as well as to develop and test innovative social inclusion strategies for citizens from other countries.


The initial research phase will involve experts from various partner organisations in analysing the current situation and will lead to the creation of a common programme of creative labs based on the use of new technology, along with didactic materials in various languages.


Two trainers, with experience in educating third country nationals on the use of new technology for learning objectives, will have access to a transnational educational course. This will provide an invaluable opportunity to acquire new strategies that can be tested in the programme developed for 10 third country nationals in each of the participating European countries.


During this experimental phase, 120 young third country nationals aged 16-30 anni, will participate in a 60-hour educational programme to increase their computer and language skills, besides improving transversal competences like creative thinking and problem-solving capabilities that are crucial to face the 21st century world.


Subsequently, the participants will be able to become peer trainers. In this phase, the classes will include both third country nationals and European citizens to create greater opportunities for exchanges amongst local communities and the third country nationals.


During the course of the project, also thanks to the competences acquired, the participants will produce their digital stories to help reflect on the experience of the programme and promote the integration values that inspired the initiative.



  • Telecentre-Europe Aisbl - Belgium
  • Media Actie Kuregem Stad - Belgium
  • IASIS - Grecee
  • Stiftung Digitale Chancen - Germany
  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale - Italy
  • Associacio per a Joves Teb - Spain
  • Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno - Italy


Trainers, CPIA instructors, young citizens from Italy and other countries aged 16-30, who are interested in participating in the project, may contact our European Projects Coordinator, specifying the project in which they are interested and leaving a phone number where they can be contacted:

Annaleda Mazzucato

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