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This Week’s Agenda

This Week’s Agenda

This Week’s Agenda

Our on-line educational activities - both real-time and asynchronous - provide support to schools in this shift to distance learning and integrated digital didactic activities, as well as continuous learning for citizens.


This week’s courses for teachers, parents and students includes activities organised for Projects Ambizione Italia for SchoolsCoding GirlsCO.ME-COde&FraMEComputer Science FirstFactor JOpenSpace, Scouting the Future  and Fully Enjoy the Internet.


Moreover, there will be the final lesson on enterprise during which the young unemployed men and women attending the course on Cultural Marketing Technician for Project Atelier ABC will present their projects.


This week’s events include the Didattiche.2020 Conference organised by the Centro Studi Erickson. The event will be held entirely on-line on Friday and Saturday, November 13-14. FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina will participate in the round table on Making the Point on … Equality and School.



FMD coaches will hold lessons in various digital classrooms: DIY School conducted by Matteo Viscogliosi, The Geometry of Stories and Digital Citizenship? Child’s Play by Lara Forgione and Valentina Gelsomini.













09.11 16-17.30 | Usa la tecnologia con buon senso: benessere digitale e digital awareness | formatrice Elisa Chierciello | Codice SOFIA 73024 | Registrazione su GoToWebinar

10.11 4:30-5:30| Meeting with Coding Girls Teachers| Tutor Cecilia Stajano, Alberto Manieri and Simona Piccolo | Microsoft Teams Platform

11.09 5:30-7:00 | Promote Kindness: Cyberbullying and Hate Speech | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni | Sofia Code 73026 | Register: GoToWebinar11.11. 4:00-5:30| CS First for Support Teachers| Coach Caterina Coluzzi | Sofia Code  72979 | Register: GoToWebinar

13.11 2:00-3:45| CS First | Coach Mirko Labbri | Sofia Code 72981 | Register: GoToWebinar

13.11 4:45-6:45 | DIY School| Didattiche.2020 Conference | Coach Matteo Viscogliosi

14.11 11:30-1:30 | Digital Citizenship| Didattiche.2020 Conference | Coaches Lara Forgione and Valentina Gelsomini

14.11 8.45-10.45 | The Geometry of Stories | Didattiche.2020 Conference | Coaches Lara Forgione and Valentina Gelsomini.





10.11 5:00-6:30 | When in Doubt, Speak about It: Listening to and Dialogue amongst Youth and Adults | Coach Anastasia Vasapollo | Register: GoToWebinar





09.11 9:30-11 :00 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª A - ITIS Molinari - Milan

09.11 11:30-1:00 | Immunology (derma) | Factor J | Coaches Luca Navarini (UCBM) and Marta Tonelli (FMD) | IIS Primo Levi - San Donato Milanese, IIS Galileo Ferraris - Settimo Torinese, IIS Croce Aleramo - Rome and IIS Spallanzani - Tivoli

09.11 2:00-3:30 | Robotics Lab| Lazio Innova for MFR2020 | Coach Marco Brocchieri

09.11 3:00-4:30 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | ITIS Marcon - Nocera Inferiore

09.11 4:00-5:00 | Virtual Visit to the Fab Lab | CO.ME - COde&FraME | Coach Matteo Viscogliosi | LS G. Marconi - Milan | Teams Plaform

10.11 9:00-10:30 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª A - ITIS Schiapparelli - Milan

10.11 11:30-1:00 | Pulmonary Hypertension | Factor J | Coaches Leonardo Radicchi (AIPI) and Marta Tonelli (FMD) | Schools: San Benedetto - Cassino, Via dei Papareschi - Rome, Fermi - Bologna, Fermi - Arona, Peano - Monterotondo, Via delle Scienze - Colleferro10.11 9-10.30 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª RS2 - IIS Schiaparellli - Milan

10.11 3:30-4:30 | Design Thinking and Coding | CO.ME - COde&FraME | Coach Irene Caretti | LS Elio Vittorini - Milan | Teams Platform

11.11 9:30-11 :00 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª D and 4 ª C  ITIS Molinari - Milan

11.11 11:30-1:00 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª A, 4ª N, 4ª O, 4ª P ITIS Hertz - Rome

11.11 11:30-1:00 | Immunology (derma) | Factor J | Coaches Valeria Corazza (Apiafco) Federica Boniolo (FMD) | IIS Morselli - Gela, IIS Croce Aleramo - Rome

11.11 3:00-4:00 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 4ª A - ISS Marconi - Rome12.11 9-11.30 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª A ISS Schiaparelli - Milan

12.11 10-12 | Coding | Project CO.ME - COde&FraME | Coach Lara Forgione | 2BL - ITCS Schiaparelli-Gramsci | Microsoft Teams Platform

12.11 11:30-1:00 | Infectious Diseases with NPS | Factor J | Coach Federica Boniolo (FMD) | Schools: Lombardo Radice - Rome, Feltrinelli - Milan, Benini - Melegnano, San Benedetto - Cassino and IIS Primo Levi - San Donato Milanese

12.11 16-18 Design Thinking and Coding | Project CO.ME - COde&FraME | Coach Valeria Cristino | LS Marconi - Milan | Microsoft Teams Platform

12.11 3:00-4:30 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª RS2 - IIS Molinari - Naples

13.11 11:30-1:00 | Immunology (derma) | Factor J | Coaches Ugo Viora (ANAP) and Federica Boniolo (FMD) | IIS Via dei Papareschi - Rome and IIS Croce Aleramo - Rome

13.11 3:30-4:30 | Coding | Project CO.ME - COde&FraME | Coach Irene Caretti | IIS Elio Vittorini - Milan | Teams Platform

13.11 11:30-1:00 | Introduction to AI | Ambizione Italia for Schools | 5ª RS2 - IIS Hertz - Rome





09.11 9-12 | Web and AI Training for University Coaches| Coding Girls | Coach Lara Forgione | Microsoft Teams Platform

10.11 14-17 | Presentation and Final Evaluation Session for Entrepreneurial Projects | Atelier ABC

12.11 15-18 | Web and AI Training for University Coaches| Coding Girls | Coach Lara Forgione | Microsoft Teams Platform


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