There are forty educational appointments for this week. Virtual labs will involve schools, families (and grandparents) and citizens in various projects: Ambizione Italia for Youth, CO.ME.SE, CS First, Factor J, Job Digital Lab, Social Hosting Hub, Fully Enjoy the Internet.
Proximate Labs
- OpenSPACE – at Innovation Gyms at schools in the suburbs of Milan, Bari, Reggio Calabria and Palermo
- Ludic-creative making activities for Project Comunic-ar(t) 2.0
- Meeting organised in Rome in synergy with the Smart & Heart Rome ecosystem
We would also like to remind you of the press conference at RAI to present the docuseries on Operation Digital Risorgimento [see news: Stories Against the Divide] that will be held today at 12:00, and the second local appointment with Job Digital Lab in Catania [see news: Tourism and Craftsmanship].
We also invite all students to collaborate on the international research project on risky behaviour on-line [see news: Announcement for Students].
06.12 4.30-6.00 | Digital Manufacturing | OpenSPACE | Hub School IC Madre Teresa di Calcutta
07.1211-12.30 | Il coding su misura per te con Alessandro Bogliolo | CS First | piattaforma ActiveViewer
07.12 4.00-5.30 | Data and Privacy | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Valentina Guerrera | Platform: GoToWebinar
07-12 4.30-6.30 | Cyberbullying | Lab at the Rome Citta Educativa | Social Hosting Hub | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Marta Tonelli
09.12 3.00-5.00 | Stem Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | IC Via Poppea | Coaches WiFi Robotics Labs Association and Matteo Viscogliosi
10.12 2.00-5.00 | Digital Manufacturing | OpenSPACE | Coaches Maurizio Marrara, Emanuele Marino, Saverio Asciutto | Hub School IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
10.12 5.00-6.30 | The English Room with Antonio Berardino | Microworlds and Microlanguage | Digital Room | CS First | Platform: Zoom
Scheduling underway
06.12 8.20-1.00 | Digital Storytelling| Video Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Giada Di Fonzo | Middle School, Borgese di Palermo | Classs 3G-3E-3M-3H
06.12 8.45-12.45 | 2D and 3D Printing |Fab Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Maurizio Marrara | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
06.12 11.00-1.00 | Fact Checking | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Giovanna Vaccaro | High school students | Platform: GotoWebinar
06.12 11.00-12.30 | Pulmonary Hypertension | Factor J | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches: AIPI experts and Valentina Guerrera (FMD) | IIS Carlo Urbani - Rome | Platform: GoToWebinar
06.12 2.30-4.30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | OpenSPACE | Hub School Madre Teresa di Calcutta di Milano
07.12 8.20-1.00 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Marcella Pizzuto | Middle School, Borgese di Palermo | Classs 2M-2G-2E-2H
07.12 8.45-12.45 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Maurizio Marrara | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
07.12 9.00-1.00 | Developing a Video Game | Steam Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches WiFi Robotics Labs | IC Via Poppea
07.12 10.00-11.00 | Fake News and Correct Information with FavolApp | Social Hosting Hub | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Lara Forgione | IC Gigi Proietti
07.12 11.00-12.30 | Story Lab | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Giovanna Vaccaro | Primary School | Platform: GoToWebinar
07.12 2.30-4.30 | Audiovisual Communications | Video Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Gianpiero Santoro | Hub School Madre Teresa di Calcutta – Milan | Group B
07.12 3.00-5.00 | Coding Lab | CO.ME.SE | Coach Carmen Pirci | Istituto Europa Unita Enriques-Lissone and Liceo Linguistico e Scientifico Marconi - Milan | Platform: Google Meet
07.12 3.00-4.30 | Advanced Gaming & AI Course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches Jacopo Zuliani e Daniele Monaco | Roman high schools Ferrari-Hertz, Liceo I. Kant, E. Amaldi, M. Montessori, Torricelli, Innocenzo XII | Platform: Microsoft Teams
09.12 8.20-1.00 | Digital Storytelling| Video Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Giada Di Fonzo | Middle School, Borgese di Palermo | Classs 3G-3E-3M-3H
09.12 8.45-12.45 | 2D and 3D Printing| laboratorio di Digital Manufacturing | OpenSPACE | Coach Maurizio Marrara | IC Telesio di Reggio Calabria
09.12 9-12 | Cyberbullying and Hate Speech | Social Hosting Hub | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | IC Melissa Bassi
09.12 10.00-12.00 | Coding Lab | CO.ME.SE | Coach Carmen Pirci I Schiapparelli Gramsci - Milan | Class 3S afm gms | Platform: Google Meet
09.12 3.00-5.00 | Digital Manufacturing e prototipazione rapida | apertura della Palestra di Palermo al territorio | OpenSPACE | Coach Marcella Pizzuto
09.12 4.00-6.00 | Coding Lab - Module 1 | CO.ME.SE | Liceo Carlo Botta di Ivrea | Platform: Google Meet
09.12 5.00-6.00 | "Live Card" Coding Lab | Project ComunicArte | Coach Daniele Vigo | Centro Famiglie Nuovi Legami – Sede Appio (Villa Lazzaroni) | Age: 7-11
09.12 2.00-4.00 | Coding Lab - Module 3 | CO.ME.SE | Coach Alessio Zanardelli | Class 3A, Liceo Carlo Botta - Ivrea | Platform: Google Meet
10.12 9.00-1.00 | 3D Modelling | Steam Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches WiFi Robotics Labs Association | IC Via Poppea
10.12 9.00-11.00 | Fact Checking | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Giovanna Vaccaro | Platform: GoToWebinar
10.12 11.00-12.30 | Digital Wellbeing | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Federica Bogliolo | Second-degree Secondary School | Platform: GoToWwebinar
10.12 11.30-1.00 | Meeting with Salutequità | Factor J | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | Liceo Kant - Rome | Platform: GoToWebinar
10.12 3.00-4.30 | Advanced Gaming & AI Course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches Jacopo Zuliani and Daniele Monaco | Roman high schools Ferrari-Hertz, Liceo I. Kant, E. Amaldi, M. Montessori, Torricelli, Innocenzo XII | Platform: Microsoft Teams
06.12 3.00-4.00 | Module 3 | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | Session reserved for Unitre, Università delle tre età di Civitavecchia | Platform: Zoom
07.12 4.15-5.30 | Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | Session reserved for Unitre, Università delle tre età di Civitavecchia | Platform: Zoom
ALL: inoccupati, Neet, lavoratori ecc.
07.12 5.00-6.15 | Apps and Social Networks for Work | Job Digital Lab | in collaboration with Smart & Heart Rome | Platform: Zoom
10.12 10.00-12.00 | Digital Courses for Tourism and Local Craftsmanship | Job Digital Lab | Catania
06.12 3.00-5.00 | Main Digital Services - Module 3 | Training for Digital Ambassadors | Smart for Europe | Coach Antonella Russo | Europe Direct - Reggio Calabria
07.12 3.00-5.00 | Communications and Sociability - Module 5 | for Training for Digital Ambassadors | Smart for Europe | Coach Maria Chiara Arillotta | Europe Direct - Reggio Calabria
10.12 3.00-5.00 | Fake News, Security and Privacy - Module 4 | Training for Digital Ambassadors | Smart for Europe | Coach Antonella Russo | Europe Direct - Reggio Calabria