Starting today, Monday, May 3, based on the pandemic colour classification of regions, no less than 7.7 million students (90%) should be back in school. According to Tuttoscuola, variability will only interest high school students.
Notwithstanding the fact that nearly all students will be back in school, our support activities will continue throughout the week, both through proximate and distance activities, based on the regional context. This week’s virtual labs include the following projects: Ambizione Italia for Youth, Coding Girls, Factor J, OpenSPACE, Social Hosting Hub, Fully Enjoy the Internet.
Some labs will be held in presence for OpenSPACE in Phyrtual Innovation Gyms in participating schools.
Service projects involving all citizens to improve digital, functional and soft skills include Ambizione Italia for Youth (COL users), Starting Back Up Together, Job Digital Lab, School of Internet for Everyone and Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100.
We will also inaugurate a cycle of on-line seminars dedicated to soft skills for the labour market with The Rome Youth Information Centre - Informagiovani Roma Capitale. The first, dedicated to personal skills, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 5, at 4 pm on the GoToWebinar platform.
The Give Campaign, educational volunteering by Microsoft employees in connection with Coding Girls and Ambizione Italia for Youth also continues with two more appointments. On Wednesday, May 5, Paola Annis and Liliana Pasceri will meet with the educators and university students to present “eco-sustainable cloud software.” On May 6, Gabriella Cincotti will discuss photonics with students at the Liceo Fermi in Cosenza.
In particular, we would like to draw your attention to:
- Tuesday, May 4, 6:30 pm – live stream on the Feltrinelli YouTube Channel: “Discovering the Web” with The Pozzolis Family and Grandpa Agenore for Project Fully Enjoy the Internet
- Tuesday, May 4, 7:00 pm – preview of the PowWow Fashion Tech Week. The event is promoted by Digital Fashion Night, the first digital fashion community in Milan. Matteo Viscogliosi will present the third edition of the Fashion Digital Made Contest [see news: Fashione and Technology].
- Wednesday, May 5, 10:00 am – local live event for Project Factor J dedicated to pulmonary hypertension, a rare disease that affects blood vessels in the lungs.
- Friday, May 7, 4:00 pm – fourth appointment with FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina for educators and local coordinators on “Systemic Innovation in Schools.”
04.05 4:00-5:30 | Imagine That | OpenSPACE | Webinar in collaboration with “Our School” professors | Coaches Milena Lato, Giuseppina Giaimo, Gabriella Vicari and Olimpia Amoruso | Platform GoToWebinar
05.05 10:00-11:00 | Eco-sustainable Cloud Software | Give Campaign Microsoft | Paola Annis and Liliana Pasceri meet coaches and university students
06.05 4:30-6:30 | Motivation in Action | 2nd Module for Primary School
07.05 4:00-5:00 | Systemic Innovation in Schools | Cycle of Meetings with Innovating Teachers – 4th appointment with Alfonso Molina
03.05 6:00-7:00 | Gentle Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | IC AND. Curiel | Platform Zoom
04.05 | 3:00-4:30 | Module 3 – Safeguard Your Personal Information: Data and Privacy | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Platform Gotowebinar
06.05 | 6:00-7:30 | Module 1 - Use Technology with Common Sense: Digital Wellbeing and Awareness | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Istituto Alfieri | Platform Gotowebinar
03.05 10:30-12:00 | Curricular Integration Lab - Stop Motion | OpenSPACE | Coach Matteo Viscogliosi | Classes 1B and 3E
03.05 10.30-11.30 | Fact Checking Lab | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Schools in Trentino | Platform Teams
03.05 11:00-1:00 | Educating to Differences | Social Hosting Hub | Coach Valentina Guerrera | Hub Schools | Platform GoToWebinar
03.05 11:55-1:35 | Coding Lab with Kodu and Scratch | OpenSPACE | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Class I D - branch school, IC De Andreis - Milan
03.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
03.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
04.05 8:05-9:45 | Coding Lab with Kodu and Scratch | OpenSPACE | Coach Silvia Franceschini | Class I A - branch school, IC De Andreis - Milan
04.05 10:30-12:00 | Lab with the Postal Police | Fully Enjoy the Internet | 1st degree secondary school | Platform Gotowebinar
04.05 11:15-1:00 | Curricular Integration Lab - Stop Motion | OpenSPACE | Coaches Irene Caretti and Matteo Viscogliosi | Classes 1A, 2C and 2D
04.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
04.05 3:30-5:00 | Gaming and AI | Introduction to the Gaming Market | advanced course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Lara Forgione
04.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
05.05 9:50-11:50 | Media Art Lab | OpenSPACE | Artist Coach Marco Mendemi | Class 2L - branch school, IC De Andreis - Milan
05.05 11:00-12:30 | Gentle Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | 2nd degree secondary school | Platform Gotowebinar
05.05 3:00-5:00 | Fake News and Correct Information | Social Hosting Hub | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni | 14-17 year old students in hub schools | Platform GoToWebinar
05.05 3:30-5:30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab (proximate) | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniele Crisci | Second-year classes - G.A. Borgese - Palermo
05.05 4:00-5:30 | Blended mode Lab | OpenSPACE | Coaches Matteo Viscogliosi and Irene Caretti | First-year classes - branch school, Don Milani - Bari | Platform Meet
05.05 5:30-7:00 | Module 4 – Promote Kindness: Cyberbullying and Hate Speech | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Platform Gotowebinar
06.05 8:05-9:45 | Coding Lab with Kodu and Scratch | OpenSPACE | Coach Silvia Franceschini | Class 2 D - branch school, IC De Andreis - Milan
06.05 8:50-9:35 | Curricular Integration Lab - Stop Motion | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | Classes 1A
06.05 9:00-11:00 | Digital Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping Lab (proximate) | OpenSPACE | Coaches: Maurizio Marrara, Saverio Asciutto, Emanuele Marino | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
06.05 11:00-1:00 | Storytelling Lab | Fully Enjoy the Internet | 2nd degree secondary school | Platform Gotowebinar
06.05 12-13 | Photonics | Give Campaign - Microsoft for Coding Girls | Coach Gabriella Cincotti | Liceo Fermi - Cosenza
06.05 3:30-5:30 | Storytelling Lab | Fully Enjoy the Internet | 1st degree secondary school | Platform GoToWebinar
07.05 9:00-11:00 | Digital Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping Lab (proximate) | OpenSPACE | Coaches: Maurizio Marrara, Saverio Asciutto, Emanuele Marino | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
07.05 10:30-12:00 | Storytelling Lab | Fully Enjoy the Internet | primary school | Platform Gotowebinar
07.05 11:00-12:00 | AI&Bias - Is AI already here? | 1st meeting with Guenda Sciancalepore
07.05 11:15-1:00 | Curricular Integration Lab - Stop Motion | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti and Matteo Viscogliosi | Classes 2B and 3D
07.05 11:50-1:40 | Coding Lab with Kodu and Scratch | OpenSPACE | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Class 1 L - branch school, IC De Andreis - Milan
07.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
07.05 3:30-5:00 | Gaming and AI | Introduction to the Gaming Market | advanced course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Lara Forgione
07.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
08.05 3:00-5:00 | Social Awareness | OpenSPACE | Scouts Bari 10 | Coach Astrid D’Eredità
04.05 10-12 | Help Desk for over-65s | Starting Again Together | Telephone Help Desk managed by students at the Liceo Plauto
ALL: unemployed, Neet, workers, etc.
03.05 14.30-15.45 | Exploiting Apps to Access the Working World | Job Digital Lab | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | Register: GoToWebinar
05.05 14-16 | Social Media Marketing | Live Digital Lab | Vagone FMD | Register: Evenbrite
03.05 3:00-4:30 | On-line Safety | Course with Rome COL Network | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Lara Forgione
07.05 3:00-4:30 | Social Presence | Course with Rome COL Network | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti