There will be the last educational appointments before the summer break this week. Appointments include three projects: Ambizione Italia for Schools, CS First and Fully Enjoy the Internet.
There will also be further Tinkering, Coding, Making courses in collaboration with the Centro studi Erickson. All participants can use Code Q27A-3WEA in the shopping basket to take advantage of special discounts and an additional 5% discount on Erickson courses.
Thursday, July 23 at 5:30 pm, there will be a virtual aperitif with all the educators that have collaborated with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
20/07 2:00 - 3:30 pm| Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Roberto Raspa
Register: webinar or on Sofia with Code20/07 11:30 am - 1:30 pm| Relationships | Tinkering, Coding, Making with Edizioni Erickson | Register: GoToWebinar or on Sofia with Code 67500
22/07 2:00 - 3:30 pm| It Appears to be True| Tinkering, Coding, Making with Edizioni Erickson | Register: GoToWebinar or on Sofia with Code 67502
22/07 11:30 am - 1:30 pm| CS First | Coach Lara Forgione
Register: Sofia with Code 66965
22/07 2:00 - 3:30 pm | Ambizione Italia for Schools | AI and Marketing | Coach Luisa Sajola | Register: GoToWebinar or on Sofia with Code 67518
23/07 11:30 am - 1:30 pm| Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Federica Boniolo
Register: webinar or on Sofia with Code23/07 2:00 - 3:30 pm | Speaking in Code | Tinkering, Coding, Making with Edizioni Erickson | Register: GoToWebinar or on Sofia with Code 67501
23/07 16.30-18 | Ambizione Italia for Schools | AI and Chatbots | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Register: GoToWebinar or on Sofia with Code 67519
21/07 14-17.30 | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Luisa Sajola
Register: webinar