Lesson have ended in nearly every region and 8th grade exams have begun in some schools (the date is established independently by each school). About 570,000 students will be taking the exam.
As part of Project OpenSPACE, we have collaborated with schools in the suburbs of Milan, Bari, Reggio Calabria and Palermo to help students develop their final project and prepare for its presentation. The final project must be an original presentation, based on the issue assigned in class. It can be a multimedia presentation, a map or set of maps, a video, an artistic or technical-practical product that involves a number of the subjects included in the school curriculum.
Over half a million students will sit the esame di maturità, starting on Wednesday, June 16. This year, the exam will be oral and based on a project based on the course of studies and curriculum followed, integrated with other subjects, PCTO experience and individual skills.
This week, virtual labs for schools will include Projects Health4U and OpenSPACE.
It is still possible to enrol in our summer schools on digital citizenship that will provide all participants with digital and cultural tools to interpret our world and fully enjoy relations in all contexts [see news: A Summer of Learning and Summer Camp with TIM].
Service projects involving all citizens to improve digital, functional and soft skills include Ambizione Italia for Youth, Job Digital Lab and School of Internet for Everyone.
Following on the success of the previous courses organised with the Rome City Council, registration is underway for the new intermediate level course on “Multimedia Communication” that will begin on June 23. The course will explore multimedia communication tools and techniques: graphic and sound design, videomaking, multimedia marketing, multimedia CVs, etc. Online Registration Form.
This week’s appointments include the webinar on "Trust in Scinece" with FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina [see news: Trust in Science].
We would also like to remind you that deadline for project submission and candidatures to the International Global Junior Challenge dedicated to Tullio De Mauro has been extended to July 31.
15.06 4:00-5:30 | Presentation of “Gimmy – A Digital Trainer for Your Home Workout” | in collaboration with “Our School” Professors | OpenSPACE | Sofia Code 87230 | Register: GoToWebinar
Scheduling in progress
14.06 10:00-2:00 |Robotics Lab | blended course | OpenSPACE | Coach Marco Brocchieri | Two groups of students on the Euroform Mechatronics Programme (hub school 2)
14.06 3:00-5:00 | Module 14: Self-medication Market in Italy: Over-the-counter drugs and marketing tools | Health4U | Expert Monica Cardillo, Johnson & Johnson | Platform: Microsoft Teams Live Event
15.06 10-12 | Robotics Lab | blended course | OpenSPACE | Coach Marco Brocchieri | due Two groups of students on the Euroform Mechatronics Programme (hub school 2)
17.06 10-12 | Robotics Lab | blended course | OpenSPACE | Coach Marco Brocchieri | Two groups of students on the Euroform Mechatronics Programme (hub school 2)
Scheduling in progress
ALL: unemployed, Neet, workers ecc.
14.06 4:00-5:30 | Introductory Digital Literacy Course in collaboration with the City of Bari, Porta Futuro | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti
16.06 2:30-3:30 | Digital Reinforcement: Digital Marketing and Customer Relations for Efficient Public Communications | Job Digital Lab | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti
16.06 4:00-5:30 | Introductory Digital Literacy Course in collaboration with the City of Bari | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Lara Forgione | Registration Module
17.06 11:30-1:00 | Intermediate Course with the City of Bari, Porta Futuro | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Astrid d'Eredità | Registration Form
18.06 9.30-11 | Advanced Course | with the City of Bari, Porta Futuro | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Fabrizio Jimenez
Scheduling in progress